Monday, April 18, 2011

So I get a blog email from Rachelle's Writing Spot and she is talking about her To Do List, and how she feels she cannot accomplish her 5 things on her to do list. However when she sat down and went over everything she does everyday that is not on her list, well there is a lot. You'll have to read it.

I thought it was a great idea, because I too, feel like I do not get my to do list accomplished.

So here is my everyday to do list ( I will make sure and copy this so that each of my to do lists always have this on it):

Wake up children
Make sure they are fed
Make sure they are dressed
Make sure they brushed their teeth
Change Nali's diaper
Get bottle for Nali
Get Nali dressed
Take shower
Get myself dressed
Brush my teeth
Pull hair in ponytail (cause that is all I have time for)
Make sure kids have coats and backpacks ready
Tie Kid's shoes and zip up coats (when I'm around, they forget how to do this)
Get kids off to school (drive them occasionally)
Pack my lunch
Eat a quick bite to pretend I had breakfast
Drive to work
Work 8 hours (won't even go into detail on this one)
Come home
Read with children and/or finish homework
Change Nali's diaper
Pick up Nali's toys
Clean up dishes left out from the day
Put away kids coats, shoes and backpacks
Prepare dinner
Sort laundry and wash a load while dinner is on the stove
Sit and eat dinner while kids tell me about their day (this is a want not a to do)
Clean up dinner table
Clean up after children have attempted to do the dishes and clean the table
Sit and relax for 5 minutes (no silence though, I will hear "MOMMY" "MOMMY" "MOMMY")
Get laundry in dryer
Get kids up to bath and make sure they wash properly
Get Nali's diaper changed
Get Nali in pj's
Get the other kids in their pj's
Tuck kids in bed
Get my pj's on
Get my teeth brushed
Get laundry folded and put away
Crawl into bed only to hear "MOMMY" "MOMMY" "MOMMY" again
Go see what's wrong, re-tuck child in
Now the other kids are up and have to tuck them in again too
Crawl back into bed
Talk with hubby about my day
Drift asleep knowing that I have to repeat the SAME thing tomorrow.

Now the good thing about this is that I have an extremely helpful husband, so this is more of a joint to do list, however it is still a lot and does not include any extra stuff that has to be done on a daily basis like grocery shopping or paying paying bills etc... I'm sure I left a ton of things off but you get the idea.

Wow, now I'm really tired...wish I could nap...but I'm only through the eat a quick bite for breakfast part.

1 comment:

Rachelle Christensen said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! Holy cow! I'm tired now too. Isn't amazing how much we can cram in those few hours before bedtime? I'm tellin' you--you're awesome. :)